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Andrews University, a distinctive Seventh-day Adventist University of higher learning, is the only national comprehensive university within that faith tradition. Andrews is known for its faculty that embrace a strong liberal arts identity, an ambitious research agenda, growth in professional studies, leadership in theological education, and an established graduate school culture. The combination of these realities gives us a unique identity.

The liberal arts are core to, and the foundation of, the undergraduate education at Andrews University. An Adventist education is distinctly liberal arts in its focus. And a liberal arts education is fundamental to a U.S. education and way of thinking. The values espoused by the liberal arts are values that we, the Andrews academic community, live by. We continuously model these values.

I think of our value veritas – truth! In a country where facts and alternative facts are the order of the day, I think of the value of our witness to veritas!

I think of otherness – the quality of being different. In a society where the other is vilified I think of the value of our witness to otherness, where differences are not characterized by inferiority or superiority but simply as being different! Our rich diversity is an enduring strength. 

I think about our shared humanness – and grapple with the question of what it means to be human. Our shared humanness causes us to dismantle the doctrine of a hierarchy of human values and compels us to create the spaces that give voice and agency to non-dominant narratives! Our shared humanity finds meaning and purpose in Christ.

Andrews nurtures intellectual growth. Our faculty scaffolds our students to explore their calling, find their voice, and live to their fullest potential. In this community of learners, we add value to each other’s lives. We provide the nurture for each to flourish. And we provide the space for each to find themselves. We are a work in progress – we are, and we are becoming. Being transformed in the image and likeness of our God!

As you peruse this page, we hope that you will find the resources to support learning and your work. These are challenging times for higher education, our Church, and our world. We will grow and succeed in our mission to educate students, create knowledge, and provide Christian service to our community and beyond.

Christon Arthur, PhD

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